
Thanks for joining us! Welcome to the website of the Lanarkshire Cecilian Orchestra, better known locally as the LCO.

We’re Lanarkshire’s only amateur orchestra, providing an opportunity for local musicians to perform a wide repertoire of music, including chamber music, classical, light classical, shows and film music and smaller ensemble music. We rehearse from September to June during school terms to perform Christmas concerts and our annual concerts in the Spring and Summer.

If you have an instrument hidden away in the attic that you haven’t played for years then please feel free to dust it off and join us! We’re especially looking for french horns, violin, viola, cellos, double bass and percussion at the moment. Feel free to contact us about joining the orchestra either through this website, our FaceBook page or email us for further information!

Our Conductor Caitlin Hollinger took up the baton in September 2014 when Harry Watson retired. She had been Assistant Conductor for 2 years prior to this. Caitlin has a BMus (Hon) and has a long and varied musical career which has included singing in the RSNO Chorus. More recently Caitlin has been very busy establishing and conducting the various Wee Sing Choirs.

The Orchestra meets for rehearsals at St. Andrew’s Parish Church Hall, Church Street, G72 0NY, Blantyre, at 7:15pm for 7:30pm on Thursday evenings. Rehearsals commence on the first Thursday in September, and our annual concert takes place on the first Friday in May. We also present Christmas concerts every year at the beginning of December.

The LCO is a registered charity (No. SCO22134)